Australian Independent Dirt Kart Association

2016 NT Titles Entry

Enter the 2016 AIDKA NT Title here.

You need to hold a valid AIDKA licence to enter the State titles. Please login to your account to nominate. If you have not recieved your account password for your license (or if you've forgotten it) click here to start the reset process to get a new password. The username in the form below is the email address you used when you registered for your license.

Anyone who has difficulty logging in or nominating online should immediately contact AIDKA via email at, if we have recieved an email before the deadline for nominations closing your nomination will be accepted. NO OTHER LATE NOMINATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED, INABILITY TO NOMINATE ONLINE WILL NOT BE AN ACCEPTED REASON FOR LATE NOMINATIONS IF AN EMAIL TO AIDKA IS NOT RECIEVED BEFORE THE NOMINATION DEADLINE.