Hi everyone Appendix ‘D’ (current for 2016) is now available as a separate download on the Rules page. Alternatively you can click here to access it. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the AIDKA...
AIDKA Approved Fuels

May 27, 2016
At the recent May AIDKA meeting the Council have voted to allow an additional approved fuel under rule 27.1.2. The additional allowable fuel is POWERPLUS 98+ and will be allowed for use immediately. Performance testing has been conducted with no additional power gain found from is use. The reason for the change is due to the increasing issues drivers are finding with regular PULP fuel so an additional “drum” fuel has been approved for use. Specific data on the POWERPlus 98+ fuel can be found on their web site. This is the only approved PowerPlus fuel approved. Power Plus Distributors are available at http://powerplusfuel.com.au/locate.html 27.9 Approved fuels: Premium Unleaded Petrol (PULP) produced by major refineries, VP C9, Powerplus 98+ ...
SA Title Results 2016
The South Australian Title has been run and won for 2016. Congratulations to the Tatiara Club for getting through the racing in a revised format and beating mother nature to finish line! Please click the link for all the results – SA Title Results