Feb 16, 2023
The 2023 South Australian Dirt Kart State Title will be hosted by Morgan Dirt Kart Club from Friday 5th May to Monday 8th May 2023. More details to come! So watch this space!
May 30, 2022
The 2022 SA Dirt Kart Titles hosted by Yorke Peninsula Dirt Kart Club has now been run and won. Congratulations to all the competitors who managed to walk away with a State Plate, Trophy and Sash. It’s a tough gig out there! Weather conditions weren’t the kindest to the club but through perserverance and determination, we managed to get through to the end. Some people were smiling, some were not! A credit to the track crew who ended up giving the drivers a pearler of a track. A huge pat on the back to all the Volunteers, Stewards, Officials, Pit Crew and Drivers who ‘hung in there’ and made the event as successful as it was. Many people are unaware of the amount of work that goes on behind the scenes to produce such an event. So THANK YOU to you all. Results sheets for the first four heats are below: Result Sheets heats 1 – 4Download For copies of the printed ‘Winner take all final’ results please click on the link below: MyLaps 2022 SA Title Winner Take All FinalDownload Below is the link to the speedhive results for all the races over the weekend....
Feb 27, 2022
Nominations for the 2022 SA Title being hosted by YPDKC are now OPEN. Open: 25th February 2022 Close: 11th April 2022 @ 9pm (SA time) ** Please note this is a new date that’s been extended by 1 week from original close of nominations date. To view Prospectus click on the link below: 2022 SA Title ProspectusDownload To nominate: go through your AIDKA App under ‘Race Calendar’. You can nominate as many people as you want in the one transaction. You just need to change the licence # of the driver. Please make sure you attach a copy of each drivers logbook to prove eligibility. Appendix A in the 2022 AIDKA Rulebook explains the conditions to nominate for a Title. For those people wishing to nominate drivers but don’t have access to the AIDKA App – please click on this link:...
Nominations for the 2021 SA State Titles hosted by Blanchetown Kart Club are open Monday 1st March 2021. For existing AIDKA members you can nominate via your App. Go the Menu in the top right hand corner and select Calendar. Multiple drivers can be nominated in the one transaction. You can nominate the whole family or race team if you wish! If you wish to nominate drivers and you don’t hold an AIDKA licence yourself, please use the link below: https://app.aidka.com.au/dk/#/calendar Please be reminded that you need the following details to nominate: 1) Licence # 2) Kart # 3) Copy of your logbook showing your eligibility. If you have any issues, please email Janelle at secretary@aidka.com.au ...
Due to 2020 SA State Titles being deferred due to COVID-19, we are pleased to advise that the 2021 SA Title details are as follows: 2021 SA State Titles hosted by Blanchetown Dirt Kart Club Fri 30th April – Sun 2nd May 2021