Australian Independent Dirt Kart Association

AIDKA Dirt from the Desk 2024 – Aussie Title Edition

AIDKA Dirt from the Desk 2024 –  Aussie Title Edition

Oct 1, 2024

Check out the Title Edition of AIDKA Dirt from the Desk! AIDKA Dirt from the Desk_Australian Title EditionDownload We can’t wait to see you all at Lucindale Karting Club this weekend for the 2024 Australian Dirt Kart Titles. The club has been working tirelessly over the last twelve months in preparation of this event and are now ready to see you all and host the largest event on the calendar in 2024 for dirt karting in Australia. Safe travels and see you all...

August 2024 Rule Changes

August 2024 Rule Changes

Aug 16, 2024

Please be advised that the Rule Changes discussed at the August 2024 Council Meeting (as well as posted on the AIDKA website) where successfully voted in by clubs. These rule changes have been implemented into the AIDKA Rule Book effective the 16th September 2024. The changes are as follows and are in green highlighted text in the 2024 AIDKA Rule Book (Version 16th September 2024): ** Rule 14.33 – (AIDKA Rule Change # 2024-25) ** Definition – (AIDKA Rule Change # 2024-27) ** Rule 14.15 – (AIDKA Rule Change # 2024-28) ** Rule 14.17 (New Rule) (AIDKA Rule Change # 2024-29) ** Rule 14.18 (AIDKA Rule Change # 2024-30) ** Rule 14.19 (AIDKA Rule Change # 2024-31) ** Rule 14.21 (AIDKA Rule Change # 2024-32) ** Rule 14.30 (AIDKA Rule Change # 2024-33) The updated Rule Book is available under the Rules/Rule Book Tab on the AIDKA Website and also in the App (Under...

2024 NT Title – Driver Briefing Notes NOW AVALIABLE.

2024 NT Title – Driver Briefing Notes NOW AVALIABLE.

Jul 9, 2024

ITS NT TITLES WEEK! The Drivers Briefing Notes for this event are available to be downloaded with the below link: Drivers Briefing Notes 2024 NT Title – FINALDownload The Drivers Briefing Notes are also available under the “Documents” section on the AIDKA App. Please note the only in person drivers brief will be held Friday.  Please make sure you read and understand the Drivers Briefing Notes. Any updates or additional information that needs to be communicated over the weekend will be done via the AIDKA App. So please keep an eye on your notifications over the weekend.   So, what do you need to do? Ensure you and your pit crew have read and understood the Drivers Briefing Notes. This is CRUCIAL.   Even if you have raced previous titles please read these Driver Briefing Notes, as it includes important information specific to this event and Loxton Kart Club.If you have a driver under the age of 18 please ensure they understand the contents of the Drivers Briefing Notes.At Driver Registration you will sign to acknowledge you have read and understood the Drivers Briefing Notes.Please ask any questions you may have at the In Person Drivers Briefing We would like to take this opportunity to wish all competitors, officials and volunteers the best of luck for the...



Jul 1, 2024

Please find below the link to the updated prospectus for the 2024 Northern Territory Dirt Kart Titles hosted by Alice Springs Karting Club. 2024 Northern Territory Dirt Kart Titles Prospectus_FINAL_V3Download Changes have been made to the Timetable (please refer to page 7). There is also an update to the Presentation Dinner Venue. Please familiarize yourself with these...



May 12, 2024

LETS TALK ABOUT SOCIAL MEDIA AGAIN! We have received complaints about intimidation, bullying and generally unacceptable behavior via social media in OUR SPORT. This must stop as of NOW. Again, we are taking this opportunity to remind ALL AIDKA LICENCE HOLDERS that AIDKA do have a Code of Conduct and Social Media Policy (which is in the 2024 AIDKA Rule Book). Familiarise YOURSELF with the Code of Conduct and Social Media Policy. Penalties can be and have been imposed (including licence suspensions) for any person deemed to be in breach. Members need to think about what they type/post, and the potential impacts on other people before hitting send. Sometimes what you think is a funny off the cuff comment can be damaging. Parents/Guardians of AIDKA members under 18, please have the conversation with them regarding what IS and IS NOT acceptable as well as the potential ramifications of their comments/posts. Some discussion topics are listed below. These have been shared before, however are great discussion starting points. ** Be nice. Mean behaviour is not OK. Make it clear that you expect your kids to treat others with respect, and to never post hurtful or embarrassing messages. And ask them to always tell you about any harassing or bullying messages that others post. ** Think twice before hitting “enter.” Remind them that what they post can be used against them. Once they hit enter their comments cannot be taken back. ** Follow the “WWGS?” (What Would Grandma Say?) rule. Teach kids not to share anything on social media that they wouldn’t want their teachers, parents, AIDKA Executive — and yes, grandma — to see. ** Use privacy settings. Privacy settings are important. Go through them together to make sure your kids understand each one. Also, explain that passwords are there to protect them against things like identity theft. They should never share them with anyone, even a boyfriend, girlfriend, or best friend. ** Don’t “friend” strangers. “If you don’t know them, don’t friend them.” This is a plain, simple — and safe — rule of thumb. ** Defriend “friends” who are harassing or bullying them. Encourage your kids to leave chats, groups or defriend people who...