Aug 2, 2023
Please be advised that the Rule Changes discussed at the June 2023 Council Meeting and subsequently voted on by clubs has now been implemented into the AIDKA Rule Book effective the 1st August 2023.
Changes have been made to the following rules:
** Rule 10.2
** Rule 32.17.3
** Rule 33.12
** Appendix A Rule 6
** Appendix A Rule 21
** Appendix A Rule 26
** Appendix A Rule 32
Also Rule 15.3 has been updated and Rule 12.7 added in line with the AIDKA Smoking Policy with was introduced in March 2023.
Please note the above changes are highlighted red (with white text) in the 2023 AIDKA Rule Book (Version 1st August 2023)
The updated Rule Book is available under the Rules/Rule Book Tab on the AIDKA Website and also in the App (Under Documents).